Egg Salad

Good morning bloggers! I’m so sorry I’m late on this post but we are without internet at this time. I hope y’all had a great week this week as all of our kiddos are heading back to school. I won’t lie, this week has been extremely tough.

I’m trying to stay positive here in Texas but it’s hard when I am having so much trouble finding a job. I started to get really down on my hopes, wondered why God is making it so tough to adjust down here and wondered what I did wrong. A lot of things go through your head when you’re down and out.

Well, even though I was having a tough week I put on a smile and went to church on Sunday. Just walking in was enough to remove a little weight off my shoulders, singing songs of praise was enough to make me breathe easier and then comes the prayer…. Our pastor begins to pray for everyone who is wondering or questioning why God is putting them through something or why God dislikes them… Reassures his congregation that God loves us and turns over the podium to the missionaries we sponsor in Kenya.

Once the missionaries are through telling us about their amazing and inspiring stories of helping bring other countries to Christianity the pastor’s wife heads to the stage…. She begins to inform us that God told her there is someone in our congregation that needed to hear something. Our pastor’s wife then begins to tell us that even though we are facing a mountain and wondering how we are to get over this mountain, that God is there through spirit to help us. It’s not our power, mind or will alone that will get us over this mountain but faith in God and his spirit that he will help us to overcome whatever we are facing.

Sometimes God puts us through things to make us stronger, bring us to a place where we turn to him, place faith in his will and to bring us where he wants us to be. I know that I will truly appreciate his blessing when I get to where I’m meant to be. It’s just taking a little time to get there. My mom was sitting beside me in the pew and there is not doubt in our mind that God was speaking to me that day. Reassuring my stubborn self when I needed it most that everything will be all right.

I like to share this kind of stuff with y’all to help anyone else out who might be going through a tough time. The point of my blog is to not only share recipes with y’all but to hopefully help others through my life stories as we go through this crazy thing called life. Now onto the egg salad 🙂 Now I know not everyone craves egg salad but I was craving egg salad!!! This recipe was absolutely amazing! I hope y’all enjoy it!


8 eggs

1/2 cup mayo

1 tsp honey mustard

1/4 cup chopped green onion

salt and pepper to taste

1/4 tsp paprika


Place egg in saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring water to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cover and let eggs stand in hot water for 10-12 minutes. Remove from hot water, cool, peel and chop.

In a bowl mix mayo, mustard and green onion. Season with salt, pepper and paprika. Once everything is mixed well and to taste, add chopped eggs. Allow to cool for a couple of hours and then serve on your favorite bread or crackers.

This recipe was found on but slightly adjusted 🙂

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