Giant Bubbles

Good morning bloggers! I hope everyone is having a fabulous week! My week has definitely taken a turn for the better since I FINALLY found a job and I couldn’t be more excited! I am now a periodontal assistant for two amazing doctors! I can’t wait to see where this takes me! 

This move has been so stressful and finding positives when you’re going through a difficult time is very tough. I know that God has a plan though and can only hope that things go up from here. God is definitely preparing me for something and making me a stronger person through all of these challenges. I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason. 

This week I thought I would share this bubble recipe! We had so much fun with these giant bubbles! I had a lot of spare time with Noah being in school and playing the waiting game for a job so I headed to Pinterest to come up with this amazing surprise for Noah. Most of the recipe is common baking supplies that you may already have stocked in your pantry! 



3 cups water

1/2 cup dawn dish washing liquid

1/4 cup corn starch

1 TBSP baking powder

1 TBSP corn syrup

Simply mix all of these ingredients together! 


For your bubble wand you need some bakers twine and bendable straws. String your two straws onto your twine and tie your two ends of twine together. 


Now it’s time to enjoy! Noah’s papa was helping him make super, big bubbles! 

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