Giant Bubbles

Good morning bloggers! I hope everyone is having a fabulous week! My week has definitely taken a turn for the better since I FINALLY found a job and I couldn’t be more excited! I am now a periodontal assistant for two amazing doctors! I can’t wait to see where this takes me! 

This move has been so stressful and finding positives when you’re going through a difficult time is very tough. I know that God has a plan though and can only hope that things go up from here. God is definitely preparing me for something and making me a stronger person through all of these challenges. I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason. 

This week I thought I would share this bubble recipe! We had so much fun with these giant bubbles! I had a lot of spare time with Noah being in school and playing the waiting game for a job so I headed to Pinterest to come up with this amazing surprise for Noah. Most of the recipe is common baking supplies that you may already have stocked in your pantry! 



3 cups water

1/2 cup dawn dish washing liquid

1/4 cup corn starch

1 TBSP baking powder

1 TBSP corn syrup

Simply mix all of these ingredients together! 


For your bubble wand you need some bakers twine and bendable straws. String your two straws onto your twine and tie your two ends of twine together. 


Now it’s time to enjoy! Noah’s papa was helping him make super, big bubbles! 

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Egg Salad

Good morning bloggers! I’m so sorry I’m late on this post but we are without internet at this time. I hope y’all had a great week this week as all of our kiddos are heading back to school. I won’t lie, this week has been extremely tough.

I’m trying to stay positive here in Texas but it’s hard when I am having so much trouble finding a job. I started to get really down on my hopes, wondered why God is making it so tough to adjust down here and wondered what I did wrong. A lot of things go through your head when you’re down and out.

Well, even though I was having a tough week I put on a smile and went to church on Sunday. Just walking in was enough to remove a little weight off my shoulders, singing songs of praise was enough to make me breathe easier and then comes the prayer…. Our pastor begins to pray for everyone who is wondering or questioning why God is putting them through something or why God dislikes them… Reassures his congregation that God loves us and turns over the podium to the missionaries we sponsor in Kenya.

Once the missionaries are through telling us about their amazing and inspiring stories of helping bring other countries to Christianity the pastor’s wife heads to the stage…. She begins to inform us that God told her there is someone in our congregation that needed to hear something. Our pastor’s wife then begins to tell us that even though we are facing a mountain and wondering how we are to get over this mountain, that God is there through spirit to help us. It’s not our power, mind or will alone that will get us over this mountain but faith in God and his spirit that he will help us to overcome whatever we are facing.

Sometimes God puts us through things to make us stronger, bring us to a place where we turn to him, place faith in his will and to bring us where he wants us to be. I know that I will truly appreciate his blessing when I get to where I’m meant to be. It’s just taking a little time to get there. My mom was sitting beside me in the pew and there is not doubt in our mind that God was speaking to me that day. Reassuring my stubborn self when I needed it most that everything will be all right.

I like to share this kind of stuff with y’all to help anyone else out who might be going through a tough time. The point of my blog is to not only share recipes with y’all but to hopefully help others through my life stories as we go through this crazy thing called life. Now onto the egg salad 🙂 Now I know not everyone craves egg salad but I was craving egg salad!!! This recipe was absolutely amazing! I hope y’all enjoy it!


8 eggs

1/2 cup mayo

1 tsp honey mustard

1/4 cup chopped green onion

salt and pepper to taste

1/4 tsp paprika


Place egg in saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring water to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cover and let eggs stand in hot water for 10-12 minutes. Remove from hot water, cool, peel and chop.

In a bowl mix mayo, mustard and green onion. Season with salt, pepper and paprika. Once everything is mixed well and to taste, add chopped eggs. Allow to cool for a couple of hours and then serve on your favorite bread or crackers.

This recipe was found on but slightly adjusted 🙂

The Power of Good Deeds

Tonight I would like to blog about the power of good deeds. When you perform a good deed you should do it without the expectation of something in return, but sometimes people don’t realize how even the smallest of good deeds can turn around a person’s day/night.

Five years ago, I had my first and only child. Noah decided to surprise me three weeks early and arrive on Christmas Eve. It was flooding here in Arkansas and extremely difficult to get to the hospital since all the highways were flooded as well. We made it just in time and I was blessed with an adorable 7 lb little boy. Now mind you, I am a single mother with most of my family spread all over the United States due to our military background and I had just moved here from Georgia so all I had was my mom and stepdad to accompany me in the delivery room. After I had Noah and things had begun to settle down, my parents needed to head home for the night in order to take care of our animals since, like I said, Noah decided to come three weeks early and we weren’t all too prepared. So, that left me all alone at the hospital. A new mom with her new baby alone in the hospital on Christmas Eve.


One of my nurses came into my room and asked if it was ok if some carolers came into the room to sing to us and of course I said yes! It was an older group of adults and all they did was sing one, simple, little song. Little did these carolers know how much this meant to me! I felt so alone and scared until they came in and sang to us. It was so moving that I began to tear up.


To this day, those carolers have no clue what they meant to me that night, but I love to share this story to make people realize how much of an impact they can have on someone’s day without even realizing it. Sometimes it’s a smile, kind words, a compliment or just a little conversation. Next time you’re given the opportunity to volunteer or engaged in a conversation with a stranger, just remember, you could have an impact on their life. I’d like to challenge everyone this week and always to perform a good deed, even if your good deed is simply smiling at everyone you pass in Walmart. Let’s make small impacts and create a larger impact on our world 🙂

Footsteps Forward explained…

So today I’m going to get a whole lot more personal than I have been, but our church service today inspired this post and encouraged me to explain the reasoning behind my blog name.

I was not always the girl I am today, but I believe that every life experience is important and makes you the person you are today. I once viewed life a completely different way and I was not living a Christian life style, I was very far from it. I didn’t believe in love, had no hope in marriage and definitely did not view sex as a sacred act between two married people in love. I was not living for God and had no interest in going to church. God never gave up on me and obviously had a different plan for my life.

Five years ago my life changed drastically. I found out I was pregnant with a baby boy. I knew the father would likely have no participation in my son’s life and was scared to death of being a single mom. I was disappointed that I had gotten pregnant by a guy that would have no interest in being a father in my son’s life. Luckily I have an amazing family that stuck by my side and helped me move to where they were located and paid for me to get my dental assisting degree.


Through my pregnancy I learned how important family was, the true meaning of love and the real  reason for sex. I have faced many struggles as a single mom and would not be able to do it without the love and support of my family.



Relocating to a new state as a young single mom was one of the biggest difficulties but one of the best moves I could have made. Arkansas is a very Christian oriented  state which is exactly what I needed in my life. God knew exactly what he was doing. Even after having Noah, I was making much better decisions but I was still not where I needed to be as a mom and as a Christian. God brought amazing people in and out of my life to put me on the right track but it wasn’t until I made a fateful hair appointment that changed my life for the better. I met one of the sweetest and most amazing girls you could ever meet! We began to hang out and she started inviting me to church. I would go every now and then but she never gave up, she continued to invite me! I couldn’t be more thankful! It took me a little while to fully turn towards God and begin making positive changes in my life.  I’m still not where I need to be in my life, but it’s definitely a great beginning! I have found an amazing church family and have an awesome boyfriend who attends church faithfully along with me.



So what does all this have to do with the name? Well footsteps forward… it means that you don’t have to concentrate on who you once were, you’re allowed to take steps toward a better you and a better future.  I am so thankful for the journey that God has given me! It’s made me the person I am today. I’m not perfect but I definitely try harder every day to be the best sister, daughter, friend and mommy that I can be! I hope this post and this blog encourages others like myself to forget who they once were and move forward…footsteps forward.