Fresh Squeezed Lemonade

Good morning bloggers! I hope y’all are having an amazing week! I don’t know about y’all, but my summer is quickly coming to an end. I feel like it flew by, probably because we were traveling and moving to Texas.

I must admit, I am still having a hard time adjusting to the Texas life. It is a whole other world down here and I’m having a difficult time finding a job. A lot of jobs have you apply online, through HR or a cooperate office and most prefer you to be bilinual.

I think it is definitely beneficial to a company if you’re bilingual but I don’t feel like that should hinder me from getting a job in the United States. It’s definitely frustrating especially when I am a skilled and experienced in the health field. I just try to remind myself daily that God will provide.

I am extremely excited about the school I was able to get Noah into. It’s a little stressful at this time because it’s a private school and with private schools you face tuition and other financial obligations but I knew from the time I walked into the school that I would sacrifice whatever it took to have Noah apart of such a great community of Christian teachers. Every time I visit the school I am reassured that this is the right school for Noah.

I continue to have signs from God that I am to be patient and the right job will come along, it’s just a little difficult as a single mom. I am definitely learning patience and I continue to remind myself that I am down here to keep our family together. Getting Noah into the Christian school is definitely a positive sign and a reminder that I am doing the right thing. Now onto what y’all came here for πŸ™‚

I found this recipe forever ago on Pinterest and fell in love with it at first sip. It scared me at first because I feared that it would be complicated, but it is super easy to make!!!Β This is the perfect summertime drink and what better way to enjoy than out of my redneck wine glass? πŸ˜‰



1 1/2 cup sugar

1 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice

1 1/2 cup water

zest from one lemon

lemon slices

cold water

ice cubes

Pretty simple so far, right?



Mix sugar and water in a saucepan. While mixing with a wooden spoon bring mixture to a boil. Boil mixture for 5 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and allow it to cool slightly.


Add fresh squeezed lemon juice and lemon zest to mixture. Allow mixture to cool completely. Pour lemonade syrup into quart jar and cover tightly with the lid. The syrup can be kept in the fridge for 2-3 weeks.


When you’re ready to serve the lemonade pour about 1/4 cup lemonade syrup over some ice cubes(you can add more syrup if you like it stronger.) Next add about 3/4 cup cold water and a lemon slice. Then, enjoy! πŸ™‚ I have made this recipe more times than I can count! It’s so simple and delicious! It’s everyone’s favorite!