White Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge


Good Sunday afternoon!! I’m a little late on my post this weekend! We have had so much going on lately! Sometimes between working full time, still catching up financially after moving to a new state, being a single mommy and everything else it seems like life is never going to calm down.  I’ve learned over the years though that everything has a way of working itself out.

I cannot stress enough (mostly because I cannot afford any more stress) how important it is to have faith that everything will work out. Sometimes you just have to take a few moments to yourself to breathe, relax and maybe even do some yoga! You have to find ways to relieve your stress and you have to concentrate on good things that happen, even if they’re little things!

I tend to get excited about the smallest things in life but it keeps me going; it’s my little signs of things working out. My day is made if I find my favorite shampoo I have squeezed empty on sale! It might seem silly but I try to find joy in little things throughout my day; it’s my way of staying positive.

I’m the same way with relationships; I know that God has the one planned for me and that every relationship is a stepping stone to the one. Knowing that everyone comes into your life for a reason keeps you from being bitter towards people when you don’t work out being together. I take every relationship as a learning experience.

Enough sharing my words of wisdom from my 24 years of experience. Lol. Onto what drew you to the page, the White Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge! This stuff is amazing!! What’s better than white chocolate and peanut butter? It’s my all time favorite treat!



3 cups granulated sugar

1.5 sticks real unsalted butter

5 oz. evaporated milk

1 7 oz jar marshmallow cream

1 1/4 cups peanut butter chips

1 cup white chocolate chips

1 bag mini white chocolate Reese’s peanut butter cups



Line a 12×8 pan with wax paper and spray with cooking oil. Using your Reese’s candy, line the bottom of your pan.

Place your sugar, butter and evaporated milk in a microwavable bowl. Microwave for 2 minutes, remove and mix.

Place mixture back into the microwave for 4 minutes, remove and mix. Microwave for one more minute, remove and mix.

Add your white chocolate chips and peanut butter chips; mix until all chips are melted. Stir in your marshmallow cream, mix well. Pour over the prepared pan with Reese’s cups.

Refrigerate your fudge until completely cooled and set. You will know your fudge is ready when it is very firm.

Finally, slice into your desired size and indulge in the amazing mixture of white chocolate and peanut butter!!!

I hope y’all enjoy this recipe as much as I did! The original recipe came from http://heavenlysavings.net/2014/03/05/reeses-peanut-butter-fudge/#omYRvwWILXey7cHh.32 . I simply modified the recipe to make it white chocolate fudge 🙂

Caramel Apple Dessert Pizza


Good morning bloggers! I trust y’all are having an amazing week! This week has been a little up and down for me as I am gaining a whole lot more responsibility at work. I know I have an excellent team to support me though and I have faith that good things are to come! Sometimes stress tends to get the best of us, the important part is to concentrate on a positive outcome, breathe and pray like crazy! 🙂

So onto this dessert pizza! I am so excited that I came across this recipe because I LOVE the dessert pizza from Pizza Hut and this recipe is amazing! I hope y’all enjoy this recipe as much as I did!!! 🙂


1 premade thin pizza crust

1 can caramel apple pie filling

4 Tbsp butter softened

2/3 cups brown sugar

2/3 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 Tbsp cinnamon

For the icing:

2 cups powdered sugar

2-3 Tbsp milk

1 Tbsp melted butter



Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Open can of apple pie filling and using a sharp knife, chop the apples by simply moving the knife back and forth in the can.

Spread apple pie filling over the top of your premade pie crust.

Next, in a bowl, combine brown sugar, flour, butter and cinnamon. Use a fork or your hands to combine this into a crumb topping consistency.

Sprinkle your crumb topping over the top of your pizza.

Bake for approx. 25-30 minutes. Pizza should be heated through and crumb topping should be slightly browned.

As pizza cools, begin to mix your icing. Combine your powdered sugar, milk and butter in a small bowl. You can add more milk if your icing is thicker than you desire. Pour your icing over the top of your pizza(in a design if you’d like) and then enjoy 🙂

This recipe was slightly adjusted but originally found on http://www.thecountrycook.net/2012/05/easy-apple-dessert-pizza.html

Candy Corn Fudge


Good Saturday morning bloggers!!! I hope y’all have had an amazing week this week! I have had a little bit of a tough week this week, but I know that everything happens for a reason. I am one of the firmest believers of that saying! If it wasn’t for everything I have gone through, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today.

Sometimes it’s tough to place faith in the idea that everything will come together and that everything happens for a reason, trust me I know. One day though, you will look back and have that, “aha!” moment. Even people that come and go out of your life have a purpose and impact on your life!

When you’re feeling down about a situation, seriously consider a time where you felt down before and think about the outcome that situation eventually had. Did you eventually get over that broken heart? Did you eventually move on past the job you dreaded heading to everyday? I promise, someday with a little faith you will see the positive in the situation in which you feel down about today 🙂


1 condensed can of milk (divided)

1 package Wilton’s orange candy melts

1 1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

1/3 cup candy corn

1/2 tsp vanilla extract



Line an 8×8 pan with foil and spray lightly with non stick spray

In a microwaveable bowl, melt semi sweet chocolate chips on defrost for 5 min, stir and defrost for 1 more min. (Make sure your microwaveable bowl is completely dry!!! Moisture will dry out your chocolate)

Once semi sweet chocolate is melted, pour in 1/2 of your sweetened condensed milk and 1/2 tsp vanilla.

Pour this mixture into 8×8 pan and top with some of your candy corn.

In another microwaveable bowl, heat your candy melts on the defrost setting for 5min, stir and defrost for 1 more min.

Pour this mixture over your semisweet mixture. Top with the remaining candy corn.

Chill in the refrigerator until set then enjoy 🙂

This recipe was slightly modified from: http://www.raininghotcoupons.com/halloween-candy-corn-fudge-4-ingredients/