Mmmmazing French Toast


Good morning bloggers!!! I hope y’all had an amazing week!! This week I celebrated the big 24!!! Woo hoo!!! I feel so much older than I actually am! I guess wild and rambunctious four year olds will do that to you! LOL!

Turning 24 has made me feel so much more ambitious about my dream of owning my own bakery! Lately I have had so many signs that I should follow my passion and begin putting more effort into pursuing my dream. Just the other day I met a young lady my age who owns a boutique and makes her own jewelry! On Sunday our pastor’s wife talked about the importance of pursuing your dreams! Plus, I’ve been hearing so many inspiring stories lately!

I think pursuing your dreams is so important and surrounding yourself with inspiring, ambitious individuals who encourage you will help you to accomplish that dream! Whatever your dream is, start taking steps to pursue that dream today! Don’t make excuses and don’t allow anyone the power to hold you back!

Now onto that mmmmazing french toast 😉 Fluffy, hot, full of flavor, smothered in maple syrup french toast! So delicious!!!



6 thick slices white bread

2 eggs

1/4 cup heavy cream

2 TBSP honey

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

3 TBSP butter


In a medium bowl, beat together eggs, whipping cream, honey, salt, cinnamon and vanilla extract.

In a frying pan or griddle, melt the butter over medium high heat.

Dip both sides of the bread in the egg mixture and then place into your frying pan or griddle. Brown on both sides and transfer to a warm plate while the remaining french toast cooks.


Now, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar and top with desired toppings. I just used maple syrup but you could top with fresh fruit, fruit flavored syrup or whatever sounds most delicious to your taste buds.

The original recipe called for 1 TBSP grated orange zest but I didn’t have any. This sounds amazing and I plan on trying this in the future. The original recipe also called for slicing the bread into star shapes which I did not do but you are more than welcome to! I found the original recipe on


A good “sticky” morning to you!!!

Good morning bloggers!!! Today I am making a breakfast favorite in our household, sticky buns!!! This delicious treat is so easy to make!





1 tube Pillsbury Grands

3 Tbsp melted butter

1/2 cup syrup

1/3 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 tsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 375. Spray fluted pan with non stick spray. Combine melted butter and syrup, set aside. In another bowl, combine brown sugar and cinnamon. Place half of the syrup mix and half of the brown sugar mix in the bottom of your fluted pan. Place the Pillsbury biscuits overlapping around  the fluted pan. Pour the remaining syrup mix and brown sugar on top. Bake for 25 min. Let sticky buns sit for about 1 min and then invert onto serving platter. Serve and enjoy warm! 🙂

This recipe was found through Pinterest and tested by me! Check out the bloggers it came from!!