Footsteps Forward explained…

So today I’m going to get a whole lot more personal than I have been, but our church service today inspired this post and encouraged me to explain the reasoning behind my blog name.

I was not always the girl I am today, but I believe that every life experience is important and makes you the person you are today. I once viewed life a completely different way and I was not living a Christian life style, I was very far from it. I didn’t believe in love, had no hope in marriage and definitely did not view sex as a sacred act between two married people in love. I was not living for God and had no interest in going to church. God never gave up on me and obviously had a different plan for my life.

Five years ago my life changed drastically. I found out I was pregnant with a baby boy. I knew the father would likely have no participation in my son’s life and was scared to death of being a single mom. I was disappointed that I had gotten pregnant by a guy that would have no interest in being a father in my son’s life. Luckily I have an amazing family that stuck by my side and helped me move to where they were located and paid for me to get my dental assisting degree.


Through my pregnancy I learned how important family was, the true meaning of love and the real  reason for sex. I have faced many struggles as a single mom and would not be able to do it without the love and support of my family.



Relocating to a new state as a young single mom was one of the biggest difficulties but one of the best moves I could have made. Arkansas is a very Christian oriented  state which is exactly what I needed in my life. God knew exactly what he was doing. Even after having Noah, I was making much better decisions but I was still not where I needed to be as a mom and as a Christian. God brought amazing people in and out of my life to put me on the right track but it wasn’t until I made a fateful hair appointment that changed my life for the better. I met one of the sweetest and most amazing girls you could ever meet! We began to hang out and she started inviting me to church. I would go every now and then but she never gave up, she continued to invite me! I couldn’t be more thankful! It took me a little while to fully turn towards God and begin making positive changes in my life.  I’m still not where I need to be in my life, but it’s definitely a great beginning! I have found an amazing church family and have an awesome boyfriend who attends church faithfully along with me.



So what does all this have to do with the name? Well footsteps forward… it means that you don’t have to concentrate on who you once were, you’re allowed to take steps toward a better you and a better future.  I am so thankful for the journey that God has given me! It’s made me the person I am today. I’m not perfect but I definitely try harder every day to be the best sister, daughter, friend and mommy that I can be! I hope this post and this blog encourages others like myself to forget who they once were and move forward…footsteps forward.

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